Ride for Lamp 2011 | Sunday April 17
The 2011 Ride for Lamp took place on Sunday April 17, again leaving from the Blues Capital of WA, Bridgetown, and travelling some great riding roads to Busselton where there was a fantastic Community Carnival and celebration of mental health. Over 400 supporters on motorbikes braved some early showers and enjoyed a hearty Lions' cooked breakfast before heading south to Manjimup and then on to Nannup for the welcoming Yahava Koffee stop. The showers had then cleared and the riders appreciated a more spirited ride on the Brockman Hwy before travelling under Police escort down the magnificent Sues Rd to Busselton to join the festivities. The introduction of push bikes to the event was a great success with over 150 riders turning out on an uncharacteristicly miserable Busselton morning. The overall feeling of the day was one of great camaraderie and strong support for Lamp and the great work they do in "Turning the light on in people's lives".
The friendly folk at Nelsons of Bridgetown offered BDR exclusive use of their wonderful premises and on the Saturday night they discounted accommodation, drinks, dinner and also organised entertainment. It was a sensational night.
We haven't yet posted pictures of the 2011 event yet but here's a round-up of last year's 2010 inaugural Ride for Lamp by rider and supporter Tony Hollingsworth.